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Sales Execution

Disqualify your opportunities

Imagine marking 28 deals as 'closed lost' within an hour.
August 22, 2024

Imagine marking 28 deals as 'closed lost' within an hour.

That's the harsh reality a sales rep on a team whose HubSpot portal I manage faced yesterday.

Why, you ask?

Simply put, they lost control of their pipeline.

What was once a promising series of deals gradually became a disorganised heap.

An inaccurate pipeline is like a thorn in one's side in business. It's more than a mere list of deals; it's a reflection of your company's health, a harbinger of future revenue.

When you're leading a sales team, it falls upon your shoulders to ensure that your reps' pipelines are as clear as a bell.

We've all seen sales pipelines clogged with deals that are:

👉 Not even likely to see the light of day

👉 Stale and out of touch

👉 Dated in the past

To nip this issue in the bud?

✅ Regular, insightful 1-2-1 meetings. Over time, your reps will fully grasp your expectations, boosting accuracy and efficiency.

✅ Take responsibility of that pipeline.

HubSpot makes light work of this and with the addition of a tool such as Supered there's really no excuses.Your pipeline shouldn't be a source of disappointment; it should be a beacon of opportunity. Take charge today Sales Managers.

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