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Why HubSpot Users Don’t Renew After the First Year (And How to Prevent It)

Why HubSpot non-renewal happens and showing how an agency like yours can help clients avoid these issues
August 18, 2024

HubSpot is one of the most powerful tools in the marketing and sales automation space, helping businesses streamline their operations, attract leads, and grow revenue. Despite this, some companies don't renew their HubSpot subscription after the first year.

Why does this happen when HubSpot can offer such great value?

In my experience as a HubSpot partner agency, the issue often doesn't lie with the platform itself. Instead, the decision not to renew is usually rooted in a combination of misunderstandings, poor implementation, strategic misalignment, and a lack of senior buy-in. In this blog post, we’ll explore the most common reasons why businesses don’t renew their HubSpot subscription and what they (and we, as partners) can do to avoid these pitfalls.

1. Misunderstanding the Platform's Potential

One of the primary reasons businesses decide not to renew their HubSpot subscription is simply that they don’t fully understand the platform’s potential. HubSpot offers an expansive suite of tools covering marketing automation, CRM, content management, customer service, and more. But without proper guidance, some companies only scratch the surface of what HubSpot can do.

The problem: Without a clear understanding of how to harness HubSpot’s features, many businesses underutilize the platform. They may use it only as an email marketing tool or a simple CRM, missing out on the robust analytics, automation workflows, sales enablement tools, and customer service features it offers.

The solution: As an agency, it's crucial to provide thorough training and support throughout the first year of the subscription. When clients see tangible value and results—whether through lead nurturing campaigns, seamless integrations, or data-driven decision-making—they’re far more likely to renew. Offering ongoing education, webinars, and one-on-one consulting can help businesses see the platform’s full potential and make better use of its features.

2. Poor Initial Setup and Integration

A second reason for non-renewal is a bad initial setup. A platform as multifaceted as HubSpot requires careful configuration to match a business's specific needs. Unfortunately, some companies rush through the onboarding process or skip critical integration steps.

The problem: When HubSpot isn’t set up correctly from the start—whether it’s poor lead management workflows, ineffective email sequences, or incomplete integrations with other systems—users quickly become frustrated. They may find the platform cumbersome, and instead of seeing time-saving automation, they end up doing more manual work. This leads to the belief that HubSpot isn’t delivering the ROI they expected.

The solution: A strategic and thorough onboarding process is essential. During the setup phase, the focus should be on ensuring that the system is configured for the business’s unique needs, with the right workflows, contact segmentation, reporting, and integrations in place. Regular check-ins and ongoing technical support ensure that any issues are addressed early, preventing frustration down the line.

3. Misalignment of HubSpot with Overall Business Strategy

Another common reason companies fail to renew their HubSpot subscription is that it wasn’t aligned with their overall business strategy from the outset. HubSpot is a powerful tool, but without a clear vision and strategy in place, it can feel like a disjointed investment.

The problem: Some businesses approach HubSpot as a silver bullet, expecting it to solve all their marketing and sales challenges without first ensuring that their strategy aligns with the platform’s capabilities. They may not have defined clear goals or KPIs, and as a result, they’re unable to measure their success or justify the investment.

The solution: Before implementing HubSpot, it’s critical to define how the platform will fit into the broader business strategy. What are the company’s goals? Are they looking to improve lead generation, customer retention, or sales conversion rates? Once these goals are clearly established, HubSpot can be configured and used to achieve them. Regular strategy sessions should be held to track performance and ensure the platform is being used to its fullest potential.

4. Lack of Senior Team Involvement

One of the most overlooked reasons for HubSpot non-renewal is the absence of senior leadership involvement in the initial decision-making process. HubSpot is not just a tool for the marketing department—it’s an investment that touches sales, customer service, and even operations. Without senior leadership buy-in, the platform can’t be leveraged to its full extent.

The problem: If senior leaders aren’t on board from the beginning, there’s often a lack of support for the system across departments. The marketing team might be trying to implement automation, but the sales team isn’t using the CRM. Or perhaps there’s a reluctance to allocate the necessary resources to fully implement HubSpot’s more advanced features.

The solution: To avoid this pitfall, senior leadership must be involved from the beginning. They should understand how HubSpot will benefit the entire organization, not just one department. Gaining leadership buy-in often requires presenting the expected ROI and showing how HubSpot aligns with the broader business objectives. When leaders are engaged, they’re more likely to champion the platform and ensure its adoption across the company.

Conclusion: Preventing Non-Renewal with the Right Approach

Ultimately, most businesses that choose not to renew their HubSpot subscription do so because of preventable issues. Misunderstandings about the platform, poor setup, misaligned strategies, and lack of leadership involvement can all lead to frustration and disappointment. But with the right approach, these issues can be addressed before they become problems.

As a HubSpot agency, our job is not just to sell the platform but to ensure that clients see its full value. This means providing strategic guidance, offering thorough training and support, and aligning HubSpot’s capabilities with their business goals. By taking these steps, we can help ensure that clients don’t just sign up for one year—they become long-term HubSpot users who see ongoing success with the platform.

If your company is struggling to make the most of HubSpot or you're wondering if it’s the right fit, reach out to us. We specialize in ensuring HubSpot’s full potential is unlocked for your business, so you can see the value long past the first year.

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